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Raunak -The Annual Fest

Top PGDM Colleges in Greater Noida

“Raunak” – The Annual Fest at I Business Institute

Raunak - Annual Fest

I Business Institute is organizing the Biggest Fest of the year "Raunak" - The Annual Fest! The much-awaited event of the year! A Fest like never before! Come and join us and be a part of the excitement!
Entry open for all!

The fest will be packed with amazing competitions;

  • Business Quiz- “BRAIN TEASER”
  • Let’s Play Business- “OTC bizarre”
  • Debate - “Battle of minds”
  • Animation Presentation- “Animation verse”
  • Photography- “Capture moments”
  • Data Related- “ Data Dive”
  • Nukkad Natak- “ Aawaz do”
  • Solo Singing- “Swar”
  • Group Singing- “Raag”
  • Group Dance- “Beat blasters”
  • Solo Dance- “Magic Feet”
  • Face Painting- “Face Canva”
  • Standup Comedy
  • Ad-Mad Show

Get ready to experience joyful highs!

  • Date On 07th April 2023
  • Location IBI Campus


Rules and regulations of events:

Business quiz

Business quiz --“BRAIN TEASER”

  • There will be 3 members in each group.
  • There will be 3 rounds in the quiz which are as follows :
    • General round
    • RAPID fire round
    • Audio Visual Round
  • In case of tie, a tie breaker round will be held.

A. General Round

  • There will be a set of 4 questions. ( for each team )
  • 15 seconds for each question.
  • Each right answer carries – 10 points.
  • For every wrong answer there will be a negative marking of 10 points.

B. Rapid fire round

  • In this round each team will be asked 10 question one after another and will have to answer the question within 1 min.
  • 5 seconds for each question.
  • Each right answer carries – 10 points.
  • For every wrong answer there will be a negative marking of 10 points.

C. Audio visual round

  • Each team will be shown a picture or will play an audio clip .
  • The team must listen the complete question .
  • The team has 10 seconds to complete the question.
  • For every right answer the team will get 20 points .
  • The wrong answers carries 10 negative points .
  • This will be a buzzer round .
  • No discussion is allowed after pressing the buzzer.
  • If a team doesn't answer after pressing the buzzer there will be a negative marking of 10 points .
  • If a team presses the buzzer before the question is over they will be asked to answer it without the question being completed
  • If two teams press the buzzer/bell together there will be a flip of coin to decide who gets the chance to answered.

Tie Breaker

  • In case of a tie after 3rd round , the tied teams get into a buzzer / bell round.
  • The tied team will get 5 questions .
  • If a team answer right they get 25 points.
  • If they answer wrong they get minus 25 points .


  • It is a team event each team should have 3-4 members only.
  • Topic would be provided on the spot.
  • 30min preparation time for each team.
  • Time limits for performing the advertisement is 3-5 min.
  • Participate shall be judged on the basis of creativity , imagination , innovation, spontaneity, content and adherence to the topic , on stage presentation , coordination and overall appeal of the advertisement.
  • The caution should be taken to refrain from displaying obscenity, violence, prejudice, defamation etc in advertisement.
  • Decision of the judges will be final and binding.
  • Make tagline for given topic is compulsory.

Face Painting - “Face canva”

  • Face painting “Face canva”
  • The participant should bring their own material (paint, brush).
  • The time limit will be of 1 hour.
  • The theme for the activity is Mythological, Horror and Psychological.
Face Painting

Data related - “ data dive”

Round 1 - General Round – each team - quota of 4 questions.

Case study related question

  • In this round each team has its own quota of 4 questions
  • A team gets 30 seconds to answer the question intended for it, and is awarded 20 points for answering it.
  • If the team, the question intended for gives a wrong answer, the quiz master will give the correct answer.
  • The team members can discuss before giving the answer.
  • There is no negative marking for wrong answer.
  • No buzzer is used in this round.

Round 2 - Rapid fire round – each team quota of 10 questions.

General aptitude related question

  • In this round each team will be asked 10 questions one after another.
  • On the immediate completion of a question, each team gets 5 seconds to answer it. If a team is not able to answer a question, they can pass it for the next question.
  • There is no team discussion in this round.
  • 10 points is awarded for the correct answer.
  • No negative points for the wrong answer.
  • Once a question is passed the team cannot give an answer later.
  • No buzzer is used in this round.

Round 3 - Buzzer Round – Ten questions in all.

Graph and chart related question

  • Overall 10 questions will be asked you have to answer and then next question will be asked.
  • The teams can discuss among themselves and then press the buzzer/bell to answer the question first.
  • No discussion is allowed after pressing the buzzer.
  • The team that presses the buzzer/bell first gets a chance to answer it.
  • 10 points for the correct answer and minus 5 points for the wrong answer.
  • If a team doesn’t answer or gives a wrong answers after they press buzzer they also lose 5 points.
  • If a team presses the buzzer before the question is over they will be asked to answer it without the question being completed.
  • The question has to be answered in 20 seconds.
  • If a question is not answered by the first team who pressed the bell. The team that pressed the bell next gets to answer.
  • There are no choices in this round.
  • If two teams press the buzzer/bell together there will be a pull of cards to decide who gets the chance to answer. If the first team answers it correctly they get a point. If they give a wrong answer they lose 5 points and the next team that pressed the buzzer gets to answer.

Debate - “Battle of minds”

  • It is compulsory for each house to field 2 teams, each team comprising of two students.
  • It is compulsory for all 2 students of each team to debate. Each member of the team will get 3 minutes to speak.
  • As each house will field 4 members.
  • Each topic will be debated “for” and “against” by teams. All two members will debate from both teams alternately “for” and “against” for 3 minutes each.
  • In between “for” and “against”, two minutes will be given to the team to discuss “rebuttal” points if any.
  • Between two debate topics a break of 5 minutes will be given.
  • Choosing of topics and debating “for” and “against” will be done 2 hours prior the competition
  • The debate will be judged by a panel of three jury members.
  • At the end of the competition result will be announced.
  • Choosing of topic “for” and “against” will be done 2 hours prior the competition at i business institute campus
  • Last date for submission of entries by the respective house leader is 6th April 2023.

Let’s play business - “OTC bizarre”

  • Allowed only individual participation.
  • Game fees: Rs 10 per individual/attempt.
  • Maximum attempt 10 per participant.
  • You will get cross word puzzle sheet for Rs.10 each, maximum number of sheets you can use is 10.
  • You will get 1 minute per sheet to crack words given in the sheet.
Let’s play business
Solo Singing

Solo Singing - “Swar”

  • Time allotted for each performance is 3 minutes.
  • Participants will not be allowed to refer to the lyrics while singing.
  • Choice of song is open to the participants but the song should not have any slangs or offensive language.
  • Participants must bring their own instruments for the performance.

Nukkad Natak - “Aawaz Do”

  • No use of abusive language
  • Time limit 10-15 minutes
  • Socially appropriate not affect of any religion
  • Vulgarity is prohibited
  • Language Hindi or English
  • Maximum Member – 10


  • Drug Addiction
  • Protection of Transgender
  • Human Trafficking
Nukkad Natak
Solo Dance

Solo Dance - “magic feet”

  • Maximum time limit allowed 4 minutes
  • Relevant Bollywood & Hollywood song
  • Decent clothes, dance steps & song
  • The edited music has to be submitted by the participant 6-april-2023
  • The edited music has to be submitted by the participant 6-april-2023
  • Students will not be provided with any physical stuff, they have to arrange it independently.
  • Winner and runner-up prize

Group singing - “Raag”

  • Time allotted for each performance is 5 minutes
  • Participants will not be allowed to refer to the lyrics while singing.
  • Choice of song is open to the participants but the song should not have any slangs or offensive language.
  • Participants must bring their own instruments for the performance.
  • For group singing a group can be of maximum 5 participants and minimum of 2
Group singing
Animation presentation

Animation presentation - “Animation verse”

  • 1. There should be an idea on which you are giving the presentation like (AI in marketing, chatbots in modern world, etc.). The idea can be of your choice.
  • 2. The presentation can have a background voice for the explanation and if not then the participants have to present by themselves.
  • 3. Format of presentation should be only power-point presentation.
  • 4. The time limit for the presentation should be 3-5 minutes.
  • 5. Presentation should contain animations and transitions; it should not be very simple and plain.
  • 6. Participations should have a group of two.
  • 7. The presentation should not be copied from anywhere.

Group dance - “Beat blasters”

  • Time limit is max up to 6 minutes for each performance. Negative marking for exceeding the time limit.
  • Each team may have minimum 4 members & maximum 7 members.
  • The choice of songs is open to the participants & no vulgar songs (songs need to be checked by dance coordinator).
  • The participants have to bring pen drive backup of their selected songs in case of any technical issue.
  • No props will be provided by the coordinators. Participants can carry their own props.
  • Dance performance should not convey any indecent gestures. Green room would be given for changing purpose.
  • The decision of the judges will be final and binding.
  • You get Rs.1000 virtual token money awarded for each word cracked in the respective sheet.
  • Participants can buy any listed stock in NSE at current price and build upon a portfolio.
  • No shorting of market is allowed.
  • Participants can continue to buy and sell shares at current prices till 2 P.M. And continue to take buy position only till 3:00 P.M.
  • All the portfolios created will be squared off at the close of the market at 3:30 P.M. At closing prices.
Group dance

Photography - “Capture moments”

  • The photograph should depict the theme “CAMPUS BEAUTY”.
  • You have to bring your own equipment’s (camera, mobile phones)
  • Management is not responsible for any kind of loss or damages of your belongings.
  • Only individual entry will be allowed (no groups)
  • The photograph must be original, and no watermark of any kind should be allowed
  • Participants may submit the clicked pictures in given time.
  • The photograph must be of highest resolution possible.
  • Photograph can be in landscape or portrait mode. Any kind of adult content will not be entertained.
  • Pictures of only campus, event, or activity will consider in competition.
  • No selfie is allowed.
  • Outside the campus or downloaded picture will not be accepted
  • On the time of submission, ensure that all participants must give the pictures along with mentioning the activity name.
  • You have to submit your best 5 photos only (out of 5 one pic of campus view is compulsory).
  • Send your clicked pictures by giving your Google drive link to tanmeet3231@gmail.Com.
  • The entry will open for the activity on the same day of annual fest and timing will be from 11 am to 4pm other than this no one can be entertained.
  • The competition will be judged by a panel of two jury members.
  • The result will be announced on same day.


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